I am a photographer and a writer. Some days I identify more with one than with the other, but photography is where I first found my voice. There are some gaps in the archives where I lost my way, until the persistence and encouragement of friends helped me to find inspiration again. I am forever grateful to those who have reminded me along the way that art is meant to be shared and enjoyed, not just created and hidden.
Lately it seems that everyone fancies himself a photographer and goes to shows with a little digital camera to document the event. There's definitely a place in this world for that, but I consider myself more an artist than a documentarian. I think that the perfect shot is worth waiting for. I see the world in black and white, I rarely use flash, and my medium is film.
Sometimes I write about music and other things over on my blog.
Recent listening:
My work is and has been featured in the following publications:
The Washington Post ♦
Express (a publication of The Washington Post) ♦
Pitchfork ♦
Revolver ♦
RARB (the Recorded A Cappella Review Board) ♦
Baltimore CityPaper ♦
Village Voice ♦
Washington CityPaper ♦
Wire ♦
Paste Magazine ♦
Harp ♦
Blurt ♦
DC Style ♦
Northern Virginia ♦
The Brooklyn Rail ♦
Snap Pop (DC) ♦
Tablet (Seattle)
Friends and those I admire:
Visual: Zak Sally ♦ The Bird Machine ♦ Gig Posters ♦ Tara McPherson
Written: Lemony Snicket ♦ Jeffrey Eugenides
Photographic: Brandon Wu ♦ Gail O'Hara
♦ Sandy Skoglund
Sartorial: Lilypad Designs ♦
Individual Icons ♦
ZN Creative Arts ♦
dadadie brücke
Savory: Heidi Swanson ♦ Beehive