Soul Coughing Keyboardist Scores Phair Film
Catherine Lewis reports:
According to the Soul Coughing Underground, an unofficial Soul Coughing site run
by one of the band's friends, the Cough's keyboard player and sound sampleur Mark
De Gli Antoni has just completed the score to the movie Cherish.
Cherish was written and directed by Finn Taylor (Dream with the
Fishes) and stars Robin Tunney, Rim Nelson, Nora Dunn, Jason Priestly, and
Liz Phair. The film is about a woman who's falsely accused of murder and her
struggle to prove her innocence. It's now in the judgment round at Sundance and
will have a theatrical release in the spring. Sebastian Steinberg, Soul Coughing's
upright bassist, and Lisa Germano-- among others-- guest on the soundtrack.
.: Pitchfork Review: Soul Coughing: El Oso
.: Soul Coughing Underground:
.: Originally published: 14 January 2002
.: Items mentioned above on
Cherish DVD (2002);
Dream with the Fishes DVD (1997);
Cherish Soundtrack (2002);
El Oso (Soul Coughing, 1998).