Low's Sparhawk, Parker on Soundtrack
Catherine Lewis reports: Meanwhile, back at the news story, the film is a romantic sci-fi thriller about a Washington newspaper reporter (Gere) who travels to a small town in West Virginia after the death of his wife (Messing.) to investigate strange reports, such as winged creatures ("mothmen") and psychic visions ("prophecies"). The Mothman Prophecies is based on the "true" events in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, as chronicled in John Keel's book of the same title. The film will be released January 25th, 2002. Its soundtrack will feature Sparhawk and Parker's work, as well as eight new songs by King Black Acid and songs by Glen Branca. It will be released on Lakeshore/Will Records, and soon.
.: Pitchfork Review: Low: Things We Lost in the Fire